
Showing posts from January, 2013

Tunggu Saja 70 Hari

Televisi dan jaringan berita online, semuanya sedang ribut membahas Raffi Ahmad, pesohor TV Indonesia yang rumahnya digerebeg BNN subuh buta dan konon tertangkap sedang pesta narkoba. Diberitakan yang dibawa ke kantor polisi 17 orang, barang buktinya adalah 2 linting ganja dan 14 butir inex.  SERIOUSLY? Pesta seorang pesohor yang penghasilannya sebulan mungkin sampai seratus juta, dengan teman-temannya yang juga kaya-kaya, cuma pakai dua linting ganja dan 14 butir inex? Kok nuansanya kere hore gitu? Konon Raffi Ahmad hasil tesnya positif. Oke. So? Tu anak tadinya seger kinyis-kinyis yah pas baru muncul di dunia pertelevisian. Di jaman usia dia masih belasan. Di jaman saya masih bisa rajin nonton TV karena nebeng tetangga sesekali. Kemudian, sekarang, sekalinya lihat dia di TV dia keliatan bloated, beler. Itu bisa jadi lho, antara gejala sakit ginjal atau liver, atau karena he's been bingeing and having the munchies most of the time. I mean, please. Look at that hideous doub...

Sleeping to Success

I read information on hypnotherapy back in 2007. I was still having a slight anxiety problem although it wasn't as bad as the episodes in 2005. I was thinking about getting a therapy for it but in the end was too lazy and can't be bothered to find the said place that offers hypnotherapy sessions. The subject of hypnosis came up again during my pregnancy as I was busy searching for information on ...well.... pregnancy. Someone actually offers hypnobirthing classes in Indonesia. It wasn't accessible for me because of the time, cost and distance. Still I apply their advices on self hypnosis technique, mainly using suggestion mantra. My mantra was for Chloe, for her to jump out in just one push. I whispered this mantra almost every night since I was 20 weeks pregnant. Well, she didn't jump out with just one push. But the labor process were more swift than I expected. So I guess in a way, the hypnosis work. Last week I stumbled upon a post discussing how nowadays the...

Left Behind

You know, one of those days, when you feel like being left behind as everyone seems to move on, move forward and having the best times of their lives? It's only a matter of perspective, really.  At least that's what I told myself repeatedly most of the time.

You Wouldn't Like Me Back Then

He said this to me when we first slept together. "You're lucky you met me now. I was an asshole. You wouldn't like me back then." Mystified with reverberating orgasms my brain hazily keep this information and responded with, "yeah ok." The information resurfaced again tonight. And you know what, he's absolutely right. I would hate him had I met him back then.

The Neighbor

You know the new tetangga who bought the next door house from our tetangga kampret? His wife ran off with a Taiwanese. At least that's what he said to a couple of our friends who stayed over for NYE. Just like that, when they happened to walk in the same direction on that last day of 2012, and he discovered they were our friends and guests. Small chitchats and then, "My wife ran away." Poor thing. He probably had to spill it like a walking broken automaton. So those two boys we often hear, there's a reason to the little one's whining and crying every now and then. Or so what I would like to believe. It's a good thing they're boys. He won't have awkward time going to department store in the women section and shop for bras for teen daughter(s). I saw their front paved yard has quite a few of potted plants. At least this neighbor likes green at some level. Seems like a reasonable neighbor. Sorry I scowled when you smiled at me the other day, ne...

Bayi Air Berenang Kembali!

Chloe berenang hari Jumat kemaren. Setelah mister Bapak ribut berminggu-minggu bahwa anak kecilnya sudah dua tahun enggak berenang, tadi pagi begitu emaknya bangun terhuyung-huyung jam 7 dan melihat hari nampak cerah, langsung aja mencetuskan untuk mandi pagi di kolam renang. Dimulailah multi tasking di pagi hari, suapin anaknya pakai pisang, siapin tas isi baju ganti-handuk-popok-ban-perkakas mandi, kasih makan guk lalu mari kita kemon! Hotel Brongto penuh dengan rombongan anak SMA dari Jawa Barat. Kalau nggak salah dari Subang. Entah dalam rangka apa, kurang mencermati spanduk yang menempel di badan bus. Waktu kami datang, mereka sedang berbondong mengisi empat bis besar yang terparkir di halaman depan hotel, jelas agenda jalan-jalan. Yang artinya? Horeee... kolamnya sepiiii.... Masih setengah delapan pagi, tapi sebelum masuk kolam ada baiknya pasang tabir surya dulu. Sementara bapak sedang sibuk meniupkan pelampung, anak kecilnya berulangkali berusaha melarikan diri nyebur k...