Two Thousand Seven All Over Again
Now I remember why I don't really like sahur at 3-4 am. Am too lazy to chew. Had nasi padang too early at 11 pm, the bread toast was shared between me and J. I was still up until half past three this morning, and there are still left over of the toast, so I finished it off. It was just one slice, but it took like five minutes for me to chew and swallow. Tonight I would probably had my sahur as late as 2 am. Later than that I would be too lazy to eat anything. Yeah, it doesn't sound right does it? Me, lazy to eat anything. Haha.
I woke up at ten this morning. This is quite early by average. I did the house chores while updating news through plurknation. Internet connection is as slow as ever. And it's a hot hot day. So hot and dry, I resorted to the wonder of olive oil for my parched parched skin. I skipped my hair because I planned to chop it off today.
Since I planned to write something about batik, after house chores I kept myself awake for another two hours or so, e-mailing tasks and wiki-ing some stuffs...forgot what my original plan was and ended up blogtripping again (ahahah). I fell asleep again in the midst of this. hmm
I woke up again at 4.30 pm at the sight of J holding two plastic bags. One was filled with kolak, and the other was staple food: rice and the stuffs dunno what I hadn't open it. :) Wow. I honestly had planned for a cup of hot tea while thinking of what I want to chew later on after Maghrib, so this was better by far :D
J: Have you been sleeping all day?
Me: Nooope.
J: I thought you were going to cut your hair.
Oh yeah, as a matter of fact, I was! Nearly forgot about it. Since I still had time before Maghrib, I headed to the nearest beauty salon and returned in time for breaking the fast with my head considerably lighter. AHA!
It only cost six thousand rupiahs. That's a tenth of what I spent in Jakarta for my last haircut! Of course the result is not superbly satisfying, but it will do for now. I shall have it fixed later, perhaps next month when my hair started to grow out and the untidy cut beginning to show. A good thing I still keep the hair wax from the days when my hair was fail-mohawked hahaha.
Does the new hair do making me un-generic? Hmmm... This needs further investigation.
oh well....