
Showing posts from March, 2011

Book Review: Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë My rating: 3 of 5 stars The story picked up with a very slow pace with depressing plot which does not improve until atleast 7 chapters later. It becomes more rewarding after 11 chapters, and reading pace is highly improved after chapter 13 where pages start fly under your fingers and eyes. For less determined people who wishes to be able to finish this book, download some audiobook to accompany and force you to trudge on until some considerable length, where afterward you pick up your own pace and fly. View all my reviews I finally finished reading it after a very long delay. This book is the Book Stalkers group's book of the month. I downloaded the e-book and audibook and installed both on my smartphone. Audibook is needed to force myself through the reading, and it does help a lot! I wish there are more e-book and audibook for Indonesia's classic masterpieces.

Dokter Pak Dokter

Apa yang istimewa dari duduk menunggu giliran periksa dokter?  Nggak ada.  Di ruang tunggu itu ada televisi dan isinya sinetron yang saya nggak tahu judulnya. Saya tonton juga karena saya lupa bawa bacaan, sambil muka saya sudah tidak terkendali lagi otot-ototnya; mulut menganga, alis nyaris bertaut, mata kadang melotot kadang tinggal segaris mencemooh.  Itu adalah kunjungan pertama saya ke dokter kandungan. Ini yang membuat menunggu giliran periksa menjadi istimewa. Saya dapat nomer urut 7. Sudah diperiksa tekanan darahnya dan ditimbang berat badannya. Manyun duduk di luar karena di dalam ruang tunggu dia tidak bisa merokok. Tegang nih ye. Isi ruang tunggu itu pasangan-pasangan, sebagian besar perutnya sudah terlihat menonjol secara signifikan. Saya senyum-senyum sendiri agak gelisah, berusaha membayangkan saya buncit, dan oh pasti akan meledak membesar.  Dokter kandungan itu adalah rekomendasi teman si manyun yang anaknya sebentar lagi genap setahun. Orangnya asyi...


Pertama kali mengintip bayi kelinci, panjangnya cuma tiga sentimeter lebih sedikit. Kalau kata internet sekarang bayi kelinci sudah sepanjang wortel. Waktu pertama kali ngintip bayi kelinci, dia masih anteng. Sekarang bayi kelinci makin aktif. Sehari beberapa kali dia bisa saltojungkir balik dan menendang. Harusnya saya baru bisa lagi mengintip bayi kelinci di bulan Mei. Rasanya antara sabar dan nggak sabar.

Anak Kelinci

Saya akan punya bayi kelinci. Sudah lama saya pingin, dan akhirnya saya akan punya bayi kelinci :) Waktunya pas benar karena bapaknya juga kelinci, dan almarhum kakeknya juga kelinci. Kadang-kadang rasanya saya seperti melayang di langit bersama ratusan balon helium.

Marking the Half Way Through It

I think I should start taking photos regularly now. I took one in week 12 but I think I didn't change much until at least week 17. The bump is getting more prominent each week now. I feel good not just because the nausea had receded, also because I look more convincingly expecting. HAHAH. My mammaries exploded though. I think I went up two sizes. I read in some sources that I get to keep the cup size afterwards. Hooray mammaries! The good news is in total I gained about 5 kg ever since. The bad news is I got even lazier to drag my expanding bottom out of the bed and into the swimming pool regularly. Two of my bikini tops still fit, but I fear within 6 weeks it will all be different. I shouldn't be complaining much. It has been quite a smooth ride with my bump. Pink glow, however, had turned into a more androgynous yellow, at least until the next photographed evidence is taken. The kind gentleman who had ran his practice for over 20 years checked on the pulse and let me ...