Jalan Setapak Menuju Selebritas Sastra 5

Fiction of the Orient

For the last three weeks, I always slept around 23:00 only to wake up at 01:00. This makes me sleepy during the day. VERY SLEEPY...

So what did I do at those early hours when everyone was fast asleep? If I felt quite well, I'd sit in front of my baby and tried to work. Since I usually don't, I stayed in bed, and tried to fall asleep again by watching TV. Doesn't work. Obviously.

Kadang gue nemu Startrek Enterprise, and constantly fell in love again with the series. (cuma herannya pas gue pengen nonton lagi, selalu nggak pernah nemu jamnya)
Jam 4 pagi ada Ultraman, entah yang mana, di stasiun tipi yang ulang tahunnya butut kemaren itu. Lumayan buat hiburan.
Kadang gue nemu serial polisi yang gue selalu lupa judulnya, dan yang main... *slurps* Donnie Wahlberg. Donnie was a NKOTB. He was hot then. He's still hot now.
Dan kadang gue nemu film yang lumayan bagus.

A coupla weeks ago I found a Japanese film. I was too drugged (and yet still can't sleep!! ARGH) to remember the plot. It was a girl with fire starter ability, and she took a vengeance on some baddies. And then she found several other people with ESP and telekinetik abilities, or was it them who found her?

Ceritanya tuh terasa sangat Japonaise buat gue. Mulai dari karakter, plot, ending, sampai reaksi karakternya, JEPANG banget.

Terus gue mikir: "What's the definition of being very Japanese?" I mean, I must've been able to recognise it after reading so much mangas, and watching so much Tokusatsu series, the animes, the OVAs and sometimes the hentais. How about other people? Can they readily recognise this particular breed of fiction? The Japanese fiction? How about other breed of fiction? The French perhaps? Or Finnish fiction?

Mungkin bakal nggak comfortable, especially for those who had been staying mainstream and sticking with the generic Hollywood formulae, to try and follow these foreign plots.

Which brings me to thinking: Bagaimana dengan plot fiksi Indonesia?
Alur narasi Indonesia? Baik dalam sastra maupun film lah, kalau mau dihubungin sama Ekskul yang menuai badai di Citra kemaren.

Plot fiksi breed khusus, semisal plot fiksi Jepang dibentuk oleh folk tale lokal dan budayanya. Kalau mau lebih panjang lagi bahasannya (which is gue lagi males hihi) ini mencakup budaya story telling alias dongeng, dan belief systemnya.

Nah... sebetulnya fiksi macam apa yang dihasilkan Indonesia ini?

Will get back to it with deeper contemplation... For the time being, what do you think?


Anonymous said…
ik ikoet seneng koweorang soeda bole ngerasain ni'matnjah itoe mozilla berboeloe domba en aroemnjah dollar mbah goegel adsense....moelain sekarang kowe mistih poenja nomor rekening di bank niaga poen, satoe2nja bank boel tjairin itoe tjek van google ian gampang en tida neko2....

Sjaratnjah moedah nian, tjoekoep poenja rekening bank niaga minimaal broemoer enem boelan....
M. Lim said…
wangnja beloem ada toech.
ja sambil menoengggoe 6 boelan moengkin itoe bisa dioendoeh seperti mangga jang matang! JEAH!

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