Dissing Out

Naturally, as an attention hungry monster, I joined an online circle, so I can reaped anonymous praises over my short pieces. This site is in Bahasa Indonesia. I've joined a similar circle in English years ago and have since partially abandoned hope to ever achieve being an excellent bilingual writer.

The site is a bit more complicated than the one in English. It provides a point-based submission, and a comment box positioned for each story. The site doesn't have a forum for discussion. A good thing... or is it a bad thing...

A guy, I confirmed about his gender identity, submitted his shorties there, and I being sometimes quite brilliant under the influence of caffeine, posted comments and points. He rewarded my comments with innecessary sentiments, and being somewhat short-fused, plus the fact he gave several of my stories low points and failed to provide adequate reasons to back up the low points, I blew my top. Thus, writing this as a retaliation, blindly ignoring the fact that he might never read it.

Need to vent it out.

First of all, I found this quite insulting, he addressed to me as Mister.

Why can't you be witty, and opinionated and very much open and be a female at the same time? I know you might say "Oh but on the net, they can't really tell coz they can't see your face nor your tits. Besides, your digital pseudonym is quite masculine."

Oh yes it's true, but I witnessed it happened in the real world too. Be something less standard girlish, as in quite intimidative mentally, and people put stamps on your face. It's quite annoying. And heck with those books and theories telling you to ignore what people think just be your marvelous-self craps, coz I DO CARE to what others think of me. It has something to do with how people perceive you in their head.
For example, if people perceived a chicken to be a dog. The chicken clucks, but since people believed it's a dog, they could only hear barks. Lost in translation.
It can be so frustrating when you have to communicate something, and they get it the other way around, or not getting it at all because their consciences had subconsciously shut you up.
Talk about sux.

Back to THAT GUY.
So here's the second reason why I seriously want to digitally bitch-slap this guy:

on his story Perawan Pantai

I gave a 6 and commented:

sparkling wine eh
hmm... had those...
bir Bintang inebriated me faster than those sparkling wines.
And I never heard of a 16 yr old Scotts-Thai who would be let by parents to go to Indonesia alone, esp when it's a girl, a royal family of Thai nevertheless, despite of the several men the sized of a water buffalo travelling with her as bodyguards.

dikirim F_Griffin 1 day 1 hour yang lalu

And he said:

namanya juga fiksi
bang griffin
bebas aja kali...
natr kalo terlalu akurat dibilang mengumbar referensi...
bebas sebebas anda mengomentari karya saya...
mengenai juan dan ana i'm just so lazy making new names...

dikirim edowallad 12 hours 33 min yang lalu

again on his story Aku Tidak Ingin Mati Hari ini

I gave a 6 and commented:

Tapi narasinya jadi hilang. Ini seperti skrip yang dibuat murni untuk keperluan iklan layanan masyarakat. Terlalu banyak informasi, terlalu sempit ruangnya.

dikirim F_Griffin 1 day 2 hours yang lalu

and he replied:

kan saya memang menjadikan cerpen ini sebagai pencerahan.
supaya orang-orang mantan penasun dan terkena HIV tidak patah semangat. harus edukatif. makanya saya tag di iptek.
biar orang tahu dan mengerti..
kalau mas griffin dan ratih merasa begitu, justru bisa menangkap maksud saya
dikirim edowallad 12 hours 46 min yang lalu


Look what he said to my stories

Lelaki Ruang Operasi
he gave me six and said:

intrik menarik
sebenarnya masih byk yg bisa diangkat. detail juga masih di hiperbola. tapi intrik menarik

dikirim edowallad 5 days 13 hours yang lalu

on other people stories, like Nyanyian Persimpangan, he gave a 6 and commented:

been there done that
rasanya semua orang pernah berada di persimpangan.
menarik untuk dikaji
saya sangat suka tema yang riil.
dikirim edowallad 1 day 18 hours yang lalu

on Istri Tak Berahim, he gave another average 6 and said:

hiv tidak sama dng gay
sekali lagi tema HIV dan dunia gay. saya cuma mau mengingatkan ketika bicara ttg HIV atau apapun yang berhubungan dengan hal ilmiah kita harus pyn referensi yg kuat.
karena nanti kalau dibaca seseorang yg referensi hiv nya gila, seperti saya, ini akan terasa sgt cetek. maaf harus jujur krn saya cukup aktif didunia HIV dan novel saya akan mengarah kesana.

dikirim edowallad 3 days 20 hours yang lalu

but on Pathetique...which I highly suspected was written by someone he knows in person.. he gave a 7. But with a very long comment:

aids isn't always about homosexual
aids tidak selalu karena homosexual, walupun di USA homosexual adalah salah satu penyebab utama AIDS. tapi kalau di Indonesia, HIV/AIDS paling banyak diakibatkan oleh injection drug users. sedangkan heterosex tanpa menggunakan kondom bahkan punya resiko yg lebih sedikit dibanding itu. tapi sebab seseorang terkena HIV AIDS sebaiknya jangan diperdebatkan. yang mesti kamu riset lebih jauh adalah masalah riset infeksi oportunistik yag mungkin hadir kaena AIDS.
'kuman-kuman penyakit yang nggak terlalu berbahaya buat orang yang normal, buat Javier malah fatal akibatnya.'
kalimat seperti ini akan terasa cetek bila dibaca orang AIDS. ada intrik yang banyak dalam menilik masalah epidemik ini seperti jumlah CD4 (satuan daya tahan tubuh) penderita, dan penyakit penyakit infeksi oportunistik yang datang seperti tbc, pcp, toxo, mac, cmv, dll yang mudah menyerang pada saat daya tahan tubuh berkurang sangat drastis
dikirim edowallad 4 days 19 hours yang lalu

He's the freaking WHO ambassador for HIV and AIDS and the freaking goodwill ambassador for Gay rights, all the while a hip literature critic and connoiseur...

Phewh... there... I let it off my chest.
I'm going to stalk him on the net now. I heard he has multiply account... buwahahahahaha


Niken said…
i think i know that guy. he IS annoying and sok tau. go ahead, bert,bitch-slap him. i give you my blessing.
Anonymous said…
ato jangan2 he's gay himself apa bang and/or mas frey??? *gubragz* bwahahahaha
Try Miss. F_Griffin
that guy got one heck of a self-esteem bigger than the Empire State Building!
bitch-slap him wont justify. Heat-up d stove and fry him to a cider. ow yeah!

*turut hot mengompori* qiqiqiq :P
Anonymous said…
Yah, jangan cepet panasan aja, buktiin aja karya elu lebih bagus lewat suksesnya elu, jangan lewat debat kusir di forum, gak jelas tujuannya.
Kalo elu menang debat juga belon tentu karya elu sempurna.
Alex Ramses said…
Loh loh, kok jadi perang gitu di forum? selamat taun baru aja deh,,,
M. Lim said…
Bert, do you know him like personally?
Hihihi... kenal di mana Bert?
Apakah semacam GTK, Bert?
Btw Mandosh, gue gak berdebat kusir kok sama dia. Selain mekanisme single comment, gue juga males kali ngeladenin dia... walaupun gue senyum2 sinis kalo baca komen2 dia di situ hahaha.
Ya...sekarang gue sedang cari cara buat mendongkrak lebih banyak cerita ke folder >100pts. Baru dua yang masuk situ...
Anonymous said…
hahahahaha there goes the online stalker! show him what you made of babe! ngomong2 freyja kan memang nama perempuan toh? hmmm

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