
Showing posts from August, 2011


***WARNING***PERHATIAN*** Postingan berikut ini panjang, eksplisit dan penuh adegan kekerasan. PrinsCharming si manyun sudah datang ke Surabaya sekitar 3 hari sebelum tanggal perkiraan lahir karena 2 hari sebelumnya perasaan saya sungguh tidak enak dan gelisah. Ternyata... selain dari Braxton Hicks yang semakin kerap tapi tidak terlalu mengganggu, sama sekali tidak ada tanda-tanda kontraksi apapun. Dokter juga hanya menyarankan perbanyak jalan kaki, jika sampai sepekan tetap tidak terjadi apa-apa, saya akan diinduksi agar melahirkan. Sejak si manyun datang, saya dan dia jalan kaki seperti turis nyasar di Surabaya. Mall hopping sih ujung-ujungnya, karena saya gampang kegerahan, tapi lumayan itu jaraknya dalam satu hari minimal 2 km. Pernah satu kali, setelah 4 hari berlalu dari HPL dan tetap tak ada tanda-tanda melahirkan, kami jalan kaki sampai sekitar 8 km. Pantat rasanya mau lepas sesudahnya. Dan, tetap, tak ada mules atau apa saja lah.. Kamis tanggal 4 Agustus adalah jadwal...

She is Not Here Yet

By the time I write this, she is 4 days passed her estimated due date. Why? I don't know. Perhaps she's not ready yet. She's head down, which is good. She's descended into the pelvic bone, which is good. The uterine is ripe and thinning, which is good. But she's not coming out yet. Her father had been around for a week and she's still inside. Aren't we anxious? HELL YES WE ARE! Aside of the umbilical cord problem, everything is peachy inside, apparently. The ob-gyn was quite cool in a reassuring way. "Come back next Thursday if nothing happens, and we'll induce her out." So, what is supposed to happen before next Thursday? Hopefuly something like labor contraction. Water breaking. So far I had only a bit of the mucus plug out. Mild back pain. Mild pelvic discomfort. A series of Braxton-Hicks that are still not turning into something more serious. The little rabbit, in the mean time, seems to still enjoy the limited space she's...