
Showing posts from April, 2009

Twilight: Director's Notebook by Catherine Hardwicke

Twilight: Director's Notebook by Catherine Hardwicke My review rating: 4 of 5 stars No, I am not a twylla. I found this book in Aksara book store Kemang and it was a lot thinner than Twilight. It turns out the content is much more interesting in every aspect, also "heavier". It is, exactly like the title, the director's notebook. It is filled with small details of the movie making process, the behind the scene details if you like. It is, more or less filled with some technical stuffs of the film production. Not a complete one, because after all, this book I think is made with Twyllas in mind. So, it has more of the "cool" and "good look" aspects (read: photos of the casts). What is a Twylla you might ask? a Twylla is a Twilight die hard fans. Nevertheless, this book can make a good gift for teenagers who are aspiring film-makers. View all my reviews.


Akum sebetulnya udah ngasih ini lama tapi baru hari ini sempat posting ini. Hore dapat award!  Terima kasih terima kasih. Pertama puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang sudah melimpahkan segala berkah dan karunianya. Lalu saya mengucapkan terima kasih pada Emak saya, Ibunda Ratu Alam Semesta-ku, yang pada tahun 1995 telah memberikan saya satu perangkat PC. Kemudian tak lupa terima kasih pada Akum yang telah memberikan award ini... dan tak terlewatkan semua pemancing isi Kulam Ikan Tetangga yang sering ngintip apakah ada ikan baru di kulam atau tidak. Nah, sesuai dengan peraturan, saya akan mengestafetkan penghargaan ini kepada: Diane, the Recycled Darling  :) I love your blog, Di! Gendis & Ilen yang Lurus dan Keriting  :) hihihi dan  Writers Circle yang suka mangkal di RL . Jarang gagal memberikan inspirasi :)

Victory Lap Cliches

Time does tell have you heard? Time does tell I didn't even have to do anything Your colors are showing Can't you see? It's not like your hair-roots need retouching I didn't even have to point it out and, it, they're already seeing I still asked you know, Is it my bad? Did I instigate this? Just to make sure that I was right, how you brought this upon yourself I am glad I won't lie I am glad I am glad that they were there to see it for themselves and how it didn't even need the slightest pushing Oh yes I am childish and weird and the such the labels oh you did put on me years and years back It won't wear off as you know it well, it stuck and sticks and after a while I really don't mind because at least now I can look back and really have a good laugh How about you? Hey, can you still look back and still have your good laugh? Because, perhaps... well, just perhaps we can laugh it off together? :D