
Showing posts from October, 2008

Meg Ready and Installed

Terimakasih kepada Bapak Richoz dan ibu Vanya atas bantuan terhadap Meg. Meg telah siap bekerja! YEAHH!!

For You Bertie, on These So Called Pressures

We sat and talk, set apart by distance we were, but we sat and talk. Me and my fears. You and these questions in your head. It's perhaps not odd we uttered the same things. "what are these people doing?" "why are they doing it?" "what am i doing?" "why do i do things the way i did?" "maybe because am unhappy right now? and thinking, perhaps if I did what they do I will be happy?" How we crept slowly forward but feeling like we're quickly slipping backwards. How we're actually progressing but feeling rather more like retarded. Perhaps it will cheer both of us if you let me quote a person we wish to be long forgotten (yet we keep eyes on from a distant corner, for we somehow still keep our pains alive inside): "We're so alike we're like sisters." "Let's continue this long trek together." and finally, "Friends makes me feel complete like a full circle." Cheers, Bertie!



Choci the yellow Labrador died this afternoon.

A Change of ReligiOS

Memperkenalkan Amagona Vicereine Saralee Amina Avangelia Cantora Paramitha Octinosia ExMachina Gimana Panggilan sayang Meg. Semoga panjang usia dan setia hingga masa tuanya.

Arts and Beyond, Portfolio on Progress

My mother tongue is Bahasa Indonesia but since a tender age I had been introduced to English. Now beside speaking it, I also use English actively in written texts. At my early college years, my bi-lingual ability was started to be used in translating texts. My current acquaintance with the visual arts world (which is still neither deep nor perfect) started when I was 22 yrs old. That year, I started hanging out with people who understand visual arts, whether those who merely acquired their arts academically, or those who also practiced it as an integral part of their lives. Not long afterwards, my bi-lingual ability was used to translate texts accompanying or presenting artworks: whether it’s a mere wall-text, curatorial writings in the exhibition catalogue, or articles discussing visual arts in printed Medias. Visual arts are very interesting because it does not speak in text, but in complex visual forms. Like texts are for a writer, visual art works are medium for the artists t...

Tiga Hari Lagi Lalu Sudah

Pergi ke kantor setiap pagi, gue harus melewati pasar dan jembatan penyeberangan benhil. Di atas jembatan penyeberangan itu ada lima peminta-minta reguler: si buta, dua nenek-nenek yang belum renta tapi salah satunya lumpuh, satu orang cacat luka bakar, dan bergantian antara pemuda cacat kaki dan ibu-ibu yang membawa serta dua anak kecil. Jumlah pasukan pengemis jembatan ini bertambah pada bulan puasa dengan wajah-wajah baru yang memanfaatkan bulan berkah di metropolis yang tak manusiawi. Menjelang lebaran jumlah mereka bertambah tak kentara. Lalu mereka mulai lenyap, berganti dengan jumlah pedagang aneka rupa-rupi, dan semuanya lenyap sama sekali pas di hari Lebaran. Hari ini adalah hari pertama kerja. Anak sekolah belum mulai belajar lagi, jadwal libur mereka masih sampai dengan tanggal 13 Oktober. Jalan Sudirman pukul sembilan pagi juga masih nampak manusiawi. Jembatan penyeberangan benhil sepi tanpa pasukan pengemis, dan pedagang aneka rupa rupi yang sering berserakan itu. Ti...